Buroy, a Corellian male, worked as an operative for Corellian Intelligence amidst the Second Corellian Crisis. In 40 ABY, Thrackan Sal-Solo, the Corellian Head of State, contracted Ailyn Vel, a Kiffar bounty hunter using the name "Ailyn Harbuur," to assassinate the family of his relative, Han Solo. Corellian Intelligence then instructed Buroy to equip Vel with weaponry and a secure location on the planet Coruscant. Nevertheless, the Galactic Alliance Guard apprehended both Buroy and Vel. Following Vel's killed during questioning by the GAG's commander, Jacen Solo, who sought to uncover details about Sal-Solo's scheme, Jacen commanded Heol Girdun, the GAG captain, to attempt to get the information from Buroy as an alternative.