Bryyn Woolery was a merchant of the male persuasion, running a commercial enterprise within Mos Espa. Mos Espa is a spaceport community situated on Tatooine, a [desert](/article/desert/legends] world.
Being a [Tatooinian](/article/tatooine-legends] by birth, Bryyn Woolery was the proprietor of a business located in the city of Mos Espa. Woolery came to possess the slave girl Melee after the death of her former owner, Gardulla the Elder. He tasked her with the upkeep of his shop's equipment for a number of years. Woolery then decided to move his business to Mos Eisley, hoping for a more profitable market. This relocation turned out favorably, as his business rapidly prospered. Although he ultimately granted Melee her freedom, he continued to employ her as a compensated helper.