Bryn (Human)

Bryn, a male captain of the Human species, found himself serving within the Special Forces of the reconstituted Sith Empire. Around 3643 BBY, during the period known as the Cold War, he was stationed on Dromund Kaas, the capital planet of the Sith. His assignment involved performing surveillance on Lord Grathan, a dissenting Sith Lord who had proclaimed himself to be the thirteenth member of the Dark Council.


During the Cold War era, which saw conflict between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire, Bryn achieved the rank of captain in the Imperial Special Forces. Around 3643 BBY, he was positioned on a bridge on the Sith capital planet of Dromund Kaas, specifically between the Wall and the estate belonging to the rogue Sith Lord Grathan, who styled himself as the thirteenth member of the Dark Council. From this location, his primary objective was to observe Grathan while maintaining a safe distance. He received orders to acquire the schematics for a prototype turret that his superiors intended to mass-produce; however, he was explicitly forbidden from entering Grathan's property. Consequently, he sought assistance from an individual affiliated with the Sith Empire who happened to be passing by, requesting their help in obtaining the plans.

Bryn was tasked with retrieving the plans for a prototype turret.

The Imperial operative successfully gained entry into Grathan's compound. They did this by acquiring a security pass from a member of Lord Grathan's forces, which allowed them to bypass the automated security systems. The operative then infiltrated Grathan's weapons lab and downloaded the plans from the databanks of the droid known as PO-12, much to the droid's displeasure, as it desired to destroy the schematics to prevent the construction of more turrets. Upon the operative's return, Bryn voiced his eagerness to test the effectiveness of the turrets against Republic forces.

Following the completion of the operative's mission, Bryn remained stationed on the bridge, continuing his observation of Grathan's estate.

Personality and traits

Bryn was a male Human with fair skin, brown hair, blue eyes, and a neatly trimmed mustache. By the time of the Cold War, a faint scar marked his right cheek. Bryn placed great importance on following his orders, which led him to seek external assistance in acquiring the plans from Grathan's estate. The captain regarded the details of his operations as highly confidential and considered Grathan to be a dangerous individual.


Bryn was clad in a gray Imperial Military uniform, complete with a bandolier. He was armed with a blaster pistol.

Behind the scenes

Bryn made his initial appearance in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game released online in 2011 by BioWare. He functions as a non-player character who offers the "Strange Weapons" exploration mission to Imperial players on Dromund Kaas. During the quest, players are presented with two choices: they can download the turret plans to gain dark alignment points or remove PO-12's restraining bolt, allowing the droid to destroy the plans and earn light alignment points. If the player chooses to retrieve the plans, Bryn expresses enthusiasm about presenting them to his superiors. Conversely, if the plans are destroyed, Bryn reacts with anger and states that he will have to fight to keep his job. This article assumes that the player selected the dark-side option.

