Bozeden Jeems

Bozeden Jeems functioned as an officer within the Imperial Security Bureau of the human species. Holding the position of Inspector General, he was responsible for the security and oversight of the data vault situated in the Imperial Center of Military Research located on the planet Scarif. Due to his responsibilities, he possessed knowledge of many of the Galactic Empire's classified secrets.

In 1 BBY, Jeems's aspirations to ascend to the role of Deputy Director were thwarted. A group of rebels successfully stole the plans for the Death Star superweapon from the heavily guarded vault. Subsequently, the Death Star's superlaser obliterated the entire facility.


Bozeden Jeems, a human officer within the ranks of the Imperial Security Bureau, was privy to numerous highly classified secrets of the Galactic Empire. As an ambitious Inspector General stationed at the Imperial Center of Military Research on the planet Scarif, Jeems bore the responsibility of safeguarding the classified information pertaining to weapons development conducted by Imperial Intelligence. This included overseeing the protection of the data vault on Scarif, which housed the plans for the formidable Death Star superweapon.

Jeems failed to protect the Scarif data vault.

Jeems's ambition was to attain the prestigious position of Deputy Director; however, these aspirations were dashed when a group of rebels infiltrated the vault on Scarif during 1 BBY. In response, Jeems frantically mobilized forces, but his efforts proved futile. The rebels successfully absconded with the Death Star plans and transmitted them to the Alliance fleet. Subsequently, the superlaser of the superweapon itself obliterated the Imperial Center of Military Research.

Personality and traits

In the aftermath of the data vault breach on Scarif, Jeems's primary concern when deploying troops was to salvage his own career rather than recover the valuable military data. He possessed fair skin, brown [hair](/article/hair], and blue eyes.


Jeems donned an Imperial officer's uniform, projecting the image of a soldier who had been promised a successful career during the Imperial Era. His white tunic featured a code cylinder on each breast and a rank insignia plaque displaying three red pips followed by one blue. His black Imperial kepi bore an officer's disk, as did the silver buckle of his black belt, from which two silver storage cases were suspended above his black pants.

Behind the scenes

Jamie Beamish portrayed Bozeden Jeems.

Bozeden Jeems was a character conceived for the 2016 film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, part of the Anthology Series. He was intended to be portrayed by actor Jamie Beamish; however, his scenes were ultimately removed from the final version of the film. The character's first official mention appeared in the film's companion reference book, Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, authored by Pablo Hidalgo.

