Bred specifically for the brutal arena of pit fighting, borheks typically stood at a height of two meters, often the result of genetic modification. Their exceptional resilience and capacity to absorb significant damage made them a staple in competitive events, such as those frequently held at the Outland Station. The origins of this practice are lost to time, so ancient that the true beginnings of the borheks remain shrouded in mystery.
Jango Fett battling a borhek within the arena of Outland Station.
These imposing, insect-like creatures were characterized by a color-shifting carapace and six limbs. Borheks gained notoriety for their remarkable strength, largely attributed to their exoskeleton's ability to deflect incoming blaster fire. Their armor was further enhanced by spikes, designed to inflict wounds upon any attacker. A prominent horn adorned the creature's head, enabling it to impale its target, rendering it a formidable opponent whether charging head-on or maneuvering defensively. Despite its strength and spiked nature, the armor possessed flexibility, allowing the borhek to curl into a defensive ball and roll across the ground. This behavior was generally observed when the creature perceived a threat from an aggressor. Powerful mandibles equipped the borhek, allowing it to secure its grip on a victim after initiating a bite.
Borheks were notorious for their volatile temperament, easily provoked into fits of uncontrollable rage. This susceptibility was frequently exploited by those who deployed them in pit fighting circuits. To further amplify their aggression, borheks were often subjected to illicit pain stimulators, pushing them into a frenzied state of attack against their adversaries.
The Outland Transit Station was particularly known for hosting borhek pit fights within a dedicated arena, featuring a yellow champion borhek that maintained an undefeated record until the underhanded tactics of Meeko Ghintee led to its demise. Jango Fett, pursuing Meeko to collect the bounty on his head, found himself facing Meeko's tampered-with borhek, which he ultimately defeated after a brief but intense confrontation. Ironically, the deaths of both the champion borhek and the rigged borhek resulted in a 10,000 credit bounty being placed on Meeko's head, a bounty that Fett himself eventually claimed.