Count Borert Harbright, belonging to House Harbright, presided over the Salliche Agricultural Corporation, a vast enterprise encompassing eighteen planets across various star systems. Among these holdings were Yulant, Broest, and Ruan, with Ruan serving as one of the corporation's primary hubs, alongside the planet Salliche.
Following the events of the Battle of Endor, widespread uprisings erupted among Salliche Agricultural Corporation employees across numerous planets, resulting in the destruction of vital company resources. In response to these disruptions, Salliche Ag implemented a significant workforce replacement program, substituting a substantial portion of its human staff with droids. Subsequently, Borert Harbright assumed control of Salliche Ag's day-to-day management. He appointed his relative, Dees Harbright, as the senior vice president of marketing for Salliche Ag. Later, Dees was chosen to represent Ruan in the New Republic Senate as Salliche Ag's representative. In the aftermath of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Salliche Ag harbored concerns that the invaders might defeat the New Republic and subsequently obliterate their planets and its inhabitants due to their perceived technological transgressions. Consequently, Salliche Ag resolved to eliminate its technological workforce and equipment, with the hope of securing preferential treatment from the Yuuzhan Vong. Their strategy even included plans to offer the droids as a sacrificial offering to the invaders. Salliche Ag then made the decision to 'accept refugees' in return for their labor. Harbright proudly declared that this strategic move enabled them to boast about "handpicked production".