Boomer (Advanced Recon Force trooper)

Boomer, designated by the identification number CS-2207, was a clone trooper sergeant in the service of the Grand Army of the Republic during the period of conflict known as the Clone Wars.


Boomer in his armor.

Boomer, an Advanced Recon Force trooper, participated actively in the Battle of Ryloth. Following the liberation of the capital city, Lessu, by forces of the Grand Army of the Republic, Boomer, together with Captain Rex, conducted a night patrol in an AT-RT around the city of Resdin. During this patrol, the clone troopers eliminated a significant number of battle droids, but they were subsequently ambushed and captured by the notorious bounty hunter, Cad Bane. Bane required the clones to remain alive in order to safeguard the gravity weapon, which he had pilfered from the CIS, from the pursuing battle droids that had been instructed to recover it. He attached explosives to the clones' restraints and promised their release upon their cooperation. Rex and Boomer were left with no alternative but to comply.

The clone troopers successfully repelled multiple waves of droids until Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano arrived to provide assistance, having followed Rex's signal. The Jedi were successful in apprehending the Duros and subsequently instructed Boomer and Rex to disarm him. Then, compelling Bane to cooperate, the Jedi and clone troopers opted to utilize his transport vessel, known as The Sleight of Hand. Bane was compelled to transport the weapon to the ship, while the Jedi provided security and Rex and Boomer advanced to secure the path ahead. Upon reaching the ship, the Jedi were ambushed by the Skakoan, Kul Teska, who was the creator of the gravity weapon. A confrontation ensued, placing the Jedi at a disadvantage until Rex and Boomer arrived to offer aid. The clones employed their weaponry against Teska, compelling him to retreat in Bane's transport, taking both the gravity weapon and Bane with him.

Personality and traits

Sergeant Boomer was known as a seasoned and resilient soldier, often displaying a sarcastic sense of humor. Having fought alongside Rex on numerous occasions, Boomer developed into one of Rex's most trusted soldiers and a close friend. Boomer possessed a notable sarcastic wit and consistently accomplished his assigned tasks.

Boomer, next to Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker and Rex on Ryloth.

