Bolt Squadron (Khuiumin Survivors)

Bolt Squadron was a highly regarded starfighter squadron of Clutch fighters within the Khuiumin Survivors pirate group. This squadron was viewed as the Survivors' finest, and new recruits, irrespective of their abilities, couldn't directly join Bolt. A pilot's inclusion in the squadron was contingent on a vote, permissible only when a current member's departure occurred due to death or, while the Survivors were part of the Invids, advancement to the crew of the Invidious. Leonia Tavira frequently asked for the Bolts as escorts for her Star Destroyer, as they were not only the best of the Survivors but also among the best of the entire Invid group.

Tyresi Gurtt commanded the squadron, with Remart Sasyru and Dobberty among its members. After the Second Battle of Xa Fel, Jenos Idanian (who was secretly Corran Horn in disguise) took over as Bolt Squadron's leader, as demanded by Tavira. Horn held this position until his mission to infiltrate the Invids was complete.

