Bollie Prindel, a male Urodel, fought for the Resistance during their conflict with the First Order. Roughly three decades following the Battle of Endor, Prindel held the position of ground crew quartermaster at the Resistance's base of operations situated on the planet D'Qar. This alien was at the base as the Resistance prepared to attack the Starkiller Base superweapon of the First Order. While on D'Qar, Prindel's attire consisted of a brown uniform, including duty uniform pants, and he utilized a comlink headset along with an inventory datapad. He possessed blue eyes and skin that was a mix of gray and pink. Subsequently, Prindel found himself on the bridge of the Resistance flagship, the MC85 Star Cruiser known as the Raddus, shortly before the First Order attacked and destroyed it. Later, Prindel, along with the rest of the Raddus crew, observed the introductory address by Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo.
Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens marked the initial appearance of Bollie Prindel. The film premiered in North America on December 18, 2015. Although the character was not identified within the film itself, the reference book Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, authored by Pablo Hidalgo and launched alongside the film, provided his name. Ian Whyte played the character, with Patrick Comerford providing animatronic performance.