A Jedi Master existed within the Jedi Order during the period that marked the end of the New Sith Wars around 1000 BBY, in relation to time. Around 990 BBY, this individual, who possessed significant Force abilities, penned a prediction concerning a Jedi brother and sister who would face the dark side, with the destiny of the entire Jedi community hanging in the balance. This being also imparted their wisdom in the ways of the Force to Bodo Baas, the final gatekeeper of the Tedryn Holocron—a repository containing the Master's prophetic writings. In 10 ABY, a millennium following its creation, the prophecy came to fruition through the actions of the Skywalker twins.

A Jedi Master lived during the New Sith Wars era, specifically from 2000 BBY to 1000 BBY, in the context of time. In the vicinity of 990 BBY, during the early period known as the Great Peace of the Republic, this Force-sensitive being composed a forecast concerning a future dark side menace: a male Jedi would succumb to corruption by a Dark Lord, while the choices made by his expectant sister would determine the future of the Jedi Order.
At some indeterminate point, this individual accepted a Jedi apprentice, the Krevaaki known as Bodo Baas. Sometime around 600 BBY, after the completion of his training and his subsequent promotion to the rank of Jedi Master, Baas received the Tedryn Holocron as an inheritance. By approximately 590 BBY, Baas had incorporated his Master's prophetic writing into the holocron.
Serving as the gatekeeper of the Tedryn Holocron, Bodo Baas's hologram recounted his Master's prophecy to Leia Organa Solo in 10 ABY. The prophecy's fulfillment occurred shortly thereafter, revealing Organa Solo and her brother, Luke Skywalker, as the siblings alluded to in the prophecy, and the resurrected Emperor Palpatine as the Dark Lord who sought to claim Anakin Solo—Leia's unborn child at the time—for the new body to house his essence. Skywalker and Organa Solo eventually confronted Palpatine aboard his flagship, the Super Star Destroyer Eclipse, precisely as foretold in the prophecy's seventh line. A year later, Palpatine was ultimately denied possession of the newborn, thereby safeguarding the future of the Jedi Order.
This individual possessed sufficient strength in the Force to successfully complete the training necessary to become a Jedi and subsequently mentor an apprentice. This being authored a prophecy that materialized a thousand years in the future: the prediction exhibited remarkable accuracy, not only in foreseeing the event itself but also in identifying the specific individuals who would participate.
The Master of Bodo Baas was initially referenced in the sixth issue of the Star Wars: Dark Empire comic series, authored by Tom Veitch and published on October 20, 1992.