Blockade of Sif'kric

The Sif'kric Blockade represents an early instance of armed conflict between different species, a problem that afflicted the New Republic during the time of the Caamas Document Crisis.


Since the Galactic Empire pulled out of the sector they both inhabited, the Frezhlix and the Sif'kries had been in opposition. The Frezhlix introduced a resolution against the Bothans in their sector assembly; the Sif'kries opposed this, which prevented their joint senator from backing the anti-Bothan Drashtine Initiative within the New Republic Senate. The Frezhlix then blockaded Sif'kric, the Sif'krie's home planet, isolating them from external communication and threatening to destroy as much as 20% of their economy, which relied on pommwomm exports.

The Conflict

A New Republic task force, commanded by General Garm Bel Iblis, was in the vicinity and responded to the situation. The Frezhlix fleet opened fire on the New Republic ships when they tried to inspect the Hoopster's Prank, a vessel operated by Booster Terrik; this gave the New Republic legal justification to step in and break up the blockade. Soon after this engagement, the New Republic forces were compelled to leave for Mengjini.

