In the year 0 BBY, a complete blockade of the entire Ralltiir system was put into place by the Imperial Navy. This blockade was initiated under the orders of Lord Tion, subsequent to the violent subjugation of the planet Ralltiir by the Galactic Empire, which also included the dissolution of the Ralltiiri High Council. Tion enforced such a strict blockade that he forbade any commercial starships or humanitarian aid organizations from accessing the planet, with the threat of destruction by Imperial warships. Even the Imperial Senate found it impossible to obtain any details regarding the situation on the planet. The Imperial presence patrolling the system consisted of a force superiority: three battle squadrons along with a light squadron, which included three Imperial-class Star Destroyers in addition to the Victory-class Star Destroyer known as the Scourge. Only Princess Leia Organa's ship, the Tantive IV, was granted permission to land. The Princess was able to deceive Lord Tion, allowing her to make contact with the Ralltiir underground and acquire vital intelligence concerning the Death Star. In the weeks that followed, this blockade had a serious negative impact on commerce and the economy within the Darpa sector as well as along the Perlemian Trade Route. Nevertheless, following Tion's death, numerous smugglers successfully navigated the blockade to supply the rebellion with weapons. After the planet's subjugation, although the blockade was officially lifted, Imperial forces remained stationed on Ralltiir. Anti-Imperial resistance persisted strongly on the planet in subsequent years, and the blockade may have been reinstated temporarily, such as following the crackdown in Salibury, two years later. The blockade devastated the planet, and the Ralltiiri economy was still struggling to recover ten years after.