A blockade signified the placement of a fleet by a military force or similar entity in orbit around a planet. This strategic positioning aimed to halt all starship traffic, both incoming and outgoing.
During the period known as the Emergences, the Galactic Republic initiated a blockade of hyperspace routes leading to affected regions within the Outer Rim Territories. The area covered by this blockade expanded each time a new Emergence struck a star system. By sealing off hyperspace entry points, Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh intended to safeguard starships from potential destruction during hyperspace travel. However, she did authorize the dispatch of supply ships into the hyperlanes when a potential crisis arose. Despite this, the blockade had a detrimental effect on the economies of various Outer Rim systems.
The Corporate Alliance established a blockade around the planet of Malastare, which prompted the Republic to send a task force led by the Jedi to resolve the matter. Their commander, Trench, was believed to have been killed during this operation. Later, ships belonging to the Trade Federation fleet blockaded the peaceful world of Naboo to pressure its leader, Queen Padmé Amidala, into signing a petition treaty. This act escalated into the Trade Federation's Invasion of Naboo.

Years afterward, during the Clone Wars, Admiral Trench, the same commander involved in the blockade of Malastare, commanded the Separatist Alliance's blockade of Christophsis. This fleet was annihilated following the destruction of his flagship, the Providence-class Dreadnought Invincible, by an experimental stealth ship, which allowed a Republic naval fleet to break the blockade. The Separatists managed to deploy reinforcements, compelling the Republic fleet to withdraw. However, Republic reinforcements led by Master Yoda forced the remaining ships of the blockade to retreat.
A fleet commanded by Captain Mar Tuuk would blockade Ryloth during the Separatist invasion. Tuuk's forces were destroyed by the Republic, who then proceeded to liberate Ryloth.
The Trade Federation, under the direction of Sib Canay, blockaded Pantora in an attempt to compel the Pantorans to join the Confederacy. Nevertheless, the blockade was lifted when Canay was exposed as the mastermind behind the kidnapping of Chairman Notluwiski Papanoida's daughters, Chi Eekway and Che Amanwe.
A transit chip could be employed to navigate past the Galactic Empire's blockades. The Empire established a blockade around Mon Cala during its occupation. However, three vessels from the Mon Cala's Mercantile Fleet under Admiral Raddus successfully breached the blockade and escaped.

The Empire later set up a blockade around the planet of Lothal under Admiral Kassius Konstantine due to significant rebel activity there. This blockade prevented entrepreneurs, such as Lando Calrissian, from delivering equipment to Lothal. After the destruction of Governor Wilhuff Tarkin's flagship, the Sovereign, Lord Vader intensified the blockade to punish Lothal and prevent the Spectres from escaping. Subsequently, the Empire dispatched Imperial Security Bureau Agent Alexsandr Kallus and several ships to Ibaar to prevent supplies and aid from reaching the Ibaarian underground network. Kallus successfully thwarted Phoenix Squadron during their initial assault, but Captain Hera Syndulla, piloting a prototype B-wing starfighter, managed to break the blockade.
During the Lothal campaign, the blockade at Lothal was reinforced by the Seventh Fleet under Grand Admiral Thrawn. The Seventh Fleet blockaded Atollon to prevent Phoenix Squadron and the Massassi Group from escaping. Commander Jun Sato attempted to use Danaan tactics to penetrate the blockade, sacrificing himself and the Phoenix Nest to assist Lieutenant Commander Ezra Bridger in seeking assistance. Fortunately, the surviving ships of both rebel cells managed to escape to Yavin 4 after Bridger and Clan Wren destroyed the last Interdictor-class heavy cruiser. The blockade under Thrawn's command prevented Syndulla's forces from destroying Lothal's factories. The blockade was ultimately destroyed when the Ghost summoned the Purrgil for assistance.

The Empire blockaded the world of Kubindi and enslaved its population, but Garindan ezz Zavor plotted to liberate his homeworld, with the Kubaz spy even acquiring the necessary codes to bypass the blockade. Following The Disaster, the Galactic Empire established a blockade around the Alderaanian Graveyard. Sometime before the Battle of Hoth, bounty hunter Beilert Valance encountered and evaded an Imperial blockade. After the Battle of Endor, Imperial governor Ubrik Adelhard initiated the Iron Blockade of the Anoat sector.
During the First Order-Resistance War, the First Order blockaded the planet Dantooine. However, Jade Squadron and members of Ace Squadron went to the planet to secure Resistance shuttles. Although Jace Rucklin, piloting a First Order TIE fighter, successfully destroyed one of the shuttles, the Resistance and their allies managed to escort the other two craft to safety.