A bloody internal conflict erupted within the Black Sun crime syndicate, orchestrated by the cunning Falleen criminal mastermind Savan in the year 4 ABY. This power struggle was triggered by the death of Prince Xizor, Savan's uncle and the previous leader of Black Sun, one year before. His demise left a void in leadership, causing the syndicate to fracture into warring factions led by ambitious lieutenants. Savan, seeking to consolidate the scattered remnants of Black Sun under her dominion, embarked on a quest to find Guri, the Human replica droid who possessed vital secrets from her time as Xizor's trusted second-in-command. To achieve this, she enlisted the services of Kar Yang, a Hiitian bounty hunter operating under the alias "Azool," a male antiques dealer, tasking him with locating the elusive droid.
Simultaneously, Savan infiltrated Black Sun disguised as a Human, strategically instigating further discord among the ranks to eliminate her rivals. During a critical New Republic mission to Coruscant, the galactic capital planet, aimed at negotiating a peaceful resolution to the war and preventing civilian casualties, Savan orchestrated a false flag operation, framing Black Sun Vigo Vekker for an attack. This maneuver made Vekker a target for competing factions, while Savan portrayed herself as a peacemaker. However, Princess [Leia Organa](/article/leia_organa_solo/legends], the leader of the New Republic, exposed Savan's intricate scheme and discovered her departure for Hurd's Moon. Savan had tracked Guri to this moon, where the Human replica droid was working with A-OIC, an advanced medical droid, and its master Massad Thrumble to deactivate her programmed directives as an assassin. With the support of hired mercenaries, the Falleen launched an assault on Thrumble's fortified surgical facility, attempting to control Guri using a specific command phrase. However, Thrumble's deprogramming efforts had rendered the code ineffective. Guri swiftly overpowered Savan, and she was subsequently taken into New Republic custody, thwarting her ambition to seize control of Black Sun.
The initial depiction of the Black Sun civil war occurred within Shadows of the Empire: Evolution, specifically in the third issue of the Dark Horse Comics series. This issue was penned by Steve Perry, brought to life by the illustrations of Ron Randall, and released to the public on April 8th, 1998.
While Savan's entry in the 2008 reference book The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia identified the faction supported by the Heroes of Yavin in this conflict as the Rebel Alliance, Guri's entry in the same book referred to it as the New Republic, the Alliance's successor organization. Although the original comic also used the term "Alliance," The New Essential Chronology situated the narrative within the early years of the New Republic era.