The Black Seraphs, often referred to as simply Seraphs, represented a Corellian swoop gang that was both established and governed by Sunny Bounder, alongside her second-in-command, Grinder. Bounder created this gang from the remnants of a pre-existing swoop gang that she played a role in dismantling.
These Black Seraphs engaged in swoop racing, scams, cons, and hustles, frequently orchestrating fraudulent swoop races on the Dragonbane circuit with the singular goal of defrauding inexperienced racers who chose to compete. Their primary method involved strategically placing hazardous obstacles throughout the circuit.
These criminals, typically young and disillusioned, displayed minimal interest beyond racing, drinking, and engaging in brawls. While their leader possessed a modified Flare-S swoop, the Black Seraphs generally favored Corellian Engineering Corporation "screamer" speeder bikes.
Their activities also extended into Coronet's Blue Sector and the more challenging districts of Tyrena, where they commonly interacted with individuals aspiring to participate in their Dragonbane races.