Black Hole (Fhost)

The drinking establishment known as the Black Hole, or simply The Hole, existed as a cantina within Farpoint on the planet of Fhost, which was situated close to the Unknown Regions. Farpoint, the city in which it resided, had been constructed around the wreckage of a downed Chiss starship; the Black Hole occupied what had once been the ship's bridgetower. Its structure incorporated storage containers and featured an eclectic collection of furniture gathered throughout its operational years. By 41 ABY, Milsin was the proprietor of the cantina, frequently implementing novel ideas gleaned from outdated holos originating from the Core. These broadcasts, encompassing both HoloNet programs and sporting events, were invariably at least four months behind current events on Fhost. During that year, Khedryn Faal's victory in a high-stakes sabacc game, facilitated by Jaden Korr, precipitated a deadly brawl within the Black Hole.

