Black Hole (Corellia)

The Black Hole, situated within the Labor Valley on the planet Corellia, functioned as an industrial complex dedicated to processing and storing hypermatter. This highly unstable and poisonous substance was essential as fuel for faster-than-light travel.

During the Galactic War, the Sith Empire launched an invasion of Corellia, an event that signaled the end of the Treaty of Coruscant. This treaty had maintained an uneasy peace with the Galactic Republic. Nevertheless, the Empire suffered significant setbacks at Ilum and [Denova], leading to a fragmentation of their military strength. Consequently, they were compelled to withdraw from the Core Worlds. At this juncture, General Adele Konya, who was stationed at Horizon Outpost bordering the Black Hole, commanded the Imperial Military forces present in that sector. Her mission was to sabotage the Black Hole, thereby denying the Corellian fleets their crucial fuel supply and isolating the planet, while Imperial forces executed a complete retreat.

However, she encountered resistance from Councilor Torvix, who had amassed a criminal army and seized control of the Black Hole facility. Consequently, General Konya was compelled to enlist an Imperial official to reclaim the site from Torvix's forces.

Behind the scenes

The Black Hole is a Daily Mission Area featured in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. It was initially introduced in Game Update 1.2: Legacy on April 12, 2012. As the game's inaugural Daily Area, it extends the narrative of Corellia's world storyline.

