Bibble UP, a beverage, carried the same moniker as Naboo's governor, Sio Bibble. The Malevolence, a Subjugator-class heavy cruiser, housed a cloning apparatus, described as a "new and improved version" of the Clone-amatic 11-38, that could produce Bibble UP. The drink was packaged in a silver and orange can, adorned with white stripes and a white "Bibble UP" label written in High Galactic.
In the year 21 BBY, General Grievous, by mistake, ejected a can of Bibble UP from the enhanced Clone-amatic. This occurred while he was trying to replicate the Force-sensitive clone Jek-14, having pushed an incorrect button. Count Dooku, the Sith Lord, displayed disdain, prompting Grievous to laugh and discard the can.
The LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles episode "Menace of the Sith," which was broadcast on Cartoon Network on September 4, 2013, featured Bibble UP.