Plan Beta-Three represents a strategic operation employed by Sabaoth Squadron near the conclusion of the Battle of Nod Kartha in the year 22 BBY. A joint naval force, composed of the Lok Revenants together with the Mere Resistance, launched an assault on a Trihexalon manufacturing facility located on Nod Kartha. Emerging from hyperspace, the spacers immediately clashed with the Orbital Defense Cannons before successfully penetrating the planet's atmosphere. Following the destruction of the factory, Sabaoth Squadron reinforcements, commanded by Lieutenant Bella aboard the Reaver, entered orbit and initiated a salvage operation on the ruined cannons. As the resistance starfighters returned to link up with their cruiser, the Tritus, the two opposing fleets engaged in combat. Bella then instructed the commander of a Sabaoth Frigate to implement Plan Beta-Three, resulting in three frigates warping to hyperspace. While the resistance was collecting cannon components for their own use, the three frigates reappeared in the battle, employing their tractor beams to immobilize the Tritus. Ultimately, the frigates were destroyed, which allowed the resistance to escape to their next engagement.
This particular tactical play is featured in the Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter video game.