Bernie, a customs agent of Dilonexican descent and male on Dilonexa XXIII, was not a large man. Instead, he possessed slender arms and legs, prominent knuckles, a gleaming pink head, and grayish facial stubble. During the year 3 BBY, he obtained a communication intended for Lando Calrissian from Administrator Senior Lob Doluff hailing from the Oseon system. Shortly after, Calrissian made his arrival on the planetary surface. Regrettably for Calrissian, Bernie informed him that his shipment, consisting of fishing poles, wintenberry jelly, and animal hides, held no value for the indigenous Dilonexicans. Subsequently, the agent presented the message to Calrissian, demanding 1,350 credits as payment, and warning of a 2,000-credit fine when the gambler initially declined the fee.