Belt-Runner I

Belt-Runner I, also known as BR 1 or BR One, began its life as a mining outpost for asteroids. Lando Calrissian, upon acquiring the space station, envisioned a significant transformation: converting it into the central attraction of a unique obstacle course. This obstacle course was named Lando's Folly, and taking part in it was known as "running the belt." The station's weak shields received enhancements to safeguard pilots in the event of asteroid collisions. Employing potent ion generators and altered tractor transmitters, the station was capable of extending repulsor shields to starfighters at a distance of several thousand kilometers, effectively perfecting, though on a limited scale, a technology that had eluded both the Imperial and New Republic armed forces. Belt-Runner I was positioned in orbit above Dubrillion at the time of the Yuuzhan Vong assault on the planet. Under attack, the base had to remove the strong shielding from its fighters, leaving them open to attack, including coralskipper weaponry. As the damage mounted, flames burst forth from the station, signaling its destruction.

