The Belderone Contention represents a struggle that unfolded during the Unification Campaigns occurring in the era of 900s BBY. Involvement by the Galactic Republic's Judicial Forces in this disagreement resulted in a significant victory at the Dandrian Ring, effectively concluding the contention.
The timeframe of the Belderone Contention falls between 1000 BBY and 900 BBY. Its designation originates from Belderone, a planet situated within the Belderone sector found in the Outer Rim Territories.
As part of the broader Unification Campaigns, the Galactic Republic intervened in this dispute. The Judicial Forces of the Galactic Republic distinguished themselves in combat, ultimately bringing the Belderone Contention to a close through the Battle of the Dandrian Ring.
Following the Belderone Contention and the Unification Campaigns, the Judicial Forces continued to play critical roles in subsequent events, including the Mandalorian Excision during 738 BBY, the Battles of the Black Delve in the 690s BBY, and the Utor Shock of 602 BBY.
The initial mention of the Belderone Contention can be found in The Essential Guide to Warfare, a reference book published in 2012 and penned by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart.
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