Bedlam Pulsar

The Bedlam Pulsar was a celestial object of the pulsar type, positioned in the Mid Rim region, close to the bizarre anomalies that distorted the very structure of hyperspace. Within this pulsar resided the Bedlam Spirits, beings of immense power existing beyond conventional dimensions.


The Bedlam Spirits who inhabited a planet in the Bedlam Pulsar.

During the year 0 ABY, Leia Organa Solo made landfall on a planet situated within the pulsar's sphere of influence, as she was being pursued by Imperial forces. There, she came across the skeletal remnants of stormtroopers, whose presence dated back to millennia ago, a perplexing mystery. She soon encountered a Spirit named Tilotny, who asserted that she had manipulated reality to create the human form. Three additional Spirits materialized before her, accompanied by four stormtroopers who had been chasing Leia. Tilotny also took credit for the stormtroopers' creation, amusing herself by transforming them into diamonds. She then transformed Leia's heart into a diamond as well. After she was done playing with the humans, the Spirit known as Splendid Ap brought them all back to life. However, due to his imperfect control over time, Splendid Ap inadvertently sent the stormtroopers 8,000 years into the past, thus explaining the remains Leia discovered.

Behind the scenes

The Essential Atlas Online Companion implies that the Bedlam Pulsar is separate from the Bedlam system, by including both in its listing.

