Bazaar, a trade [planet](/article/planet/legends], existed within the Bazaar system. This system was situated in the Halthor sector, which itself resided in the New Territories region of the Outer Rim Territories. A starship possessing a Class 1 hyperdrive could travel from Dravian Starport in the Tamarin sector to Bazaar in a time span of twenty-three days. Topatz Shipping, a company operating from Dravian Starport during the time of the Galactic Civil War, once presented free-traders with an offer: transport one hundred tons of fake gemstones to Bazaar in exchange for 4,500 credits.
The roleplaying game adventure "Tales of the Smoking Blaster," penned by Bill Smith, featured Bazaar. This adventure was part of the Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook, a 1993 book from West End Games intended for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The 2009 book The Essential Atlas located the Bazaar system, and thus Bazaar, at coordinates M-6.