The Lokori conflict represented one of the final clashes between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. It occurred on the planet Lokori during the year 19 BBY.
For the concluding four months of the conflict, units belonging to the Confederacy navy persistently tried to penetrate the lunar defenses maintained by the Bright Nebula Fleet of the Republic Navy with the objective of striking the planet, but only infrequently managed to launch assaults on the planet itself.
During the war's final days, the Separatists succeeded in breaching the defenses and establishing a ground presence, nearly overwhelming the Republic's forces. Subsequently, Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine made a public announcement, proclaiming himself the Emperor of the galaxy and reformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire.
Galen Walton Erso and his family, residing on Lokori throughout the extended conflict, found themselves amidst the chaos when the battle droids landed, narrowly escaping death at the hands of a squad of B1-series battle droids. Their salvation came about due to the shutdown of the Droid Army commanded by Darth Vader located on Mustafar. Despite this, Galen experienced recurring nightmares about the battle droids for several months afterward.