Sometime in the period spanning from 3667 to 3653 BBY, amidst the Great Galactic War that pitted the Galactic Republic against the Sith Empire, the Chagrian warrior Fideltin Rusk participated in a battle that unfolded on the planet called Amador. During the intense combat, this Republic Military soldier stood alone in defense of the sole entryway to a fortress. By the time the Republic forces secured victory, Rusk had killed so many Imperial soldiers that their dead bodies formed a wall that reached a height of twenty corpses. More than a decade afterwards, Rusk journeyed to the Shrine of Healing located on the planet Voss, where the memories of the fortress and the conflict on Amador resurfaced in his mind.
The encounter on Amador receives a solitary reference within the 2011 video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, a collaborative creation by BioWare and LucasArts; this reference takes the form of ambient dialogue that activates when the Jedi Knight companion, Fideltin Rusk, is in proximity to the Shrine of Healing.