Battle of Tortali IV

The conflict known as the Battle of Tortali IV unfolded in space between the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the forces of the Galactic Empire. During this engagement, Rebel operatives sought to obliterate Tortali Platform, an Imperial XQ3 supply platform situated within the Tortali system.

The Confrontation

The Rebel assault on Tortali Platform mirrored the tactics employed in the Battle of Yavin. Red Squadron, piloting X-wing space superiority fighters, served as escorts for Gold Squadron, flying the time-tested Y-wing attack starfighters. In response, Tortali Platform launched TIE interceptors and bombers to repel the incoming starfighter assault. The Rebel contingent maintained a reserve force of A-wing interceptors from Blue Squadron to bolster Red and Gold Squadrons if needed. The Empire dispatched the Strike-class cruiser Huntsman alongside supporting Assault Gunboats to aid the overwhelmed defenders stationed at Tortali Platform.

Behind the Curtains

Because players can engage in the "Attack on Tortali Platform" mission within the Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter computer game, choosing to fight for either the Rebel Alliance or the Empire, with each side having unique objectives, and because victory isn't required to progress to the next series of missions, the battle's occurrence is considered canonical, but its definitive outcome remains unestablished in canon.

The starships specified within this documentation are those featured in the battle Operation: Quick Strike, utilizing the default spacecraft assigned to the player.

