The Battle of the Chaardan Shipyards unfolded during the Galactic Civil War. This confrontation marked the initial engagement following Admiral Daala's consolidation of various warlord domains into the Imperial Remnant, which resulted in the formation of a unified naval force known as the United Warlord Fleets.
Daala's strategy involved diverting the New Republic's attention away from her planned assault on the Jedi Praxeum situated on Yavin 4. To achieve this, she tasked Colonel Cronus with assuming command of Crimson Command, a fleet comprising one hundred and twelve Victory II-class Star Destroyers. Cronus was instructed to utilize these warships to conduct terror raids against strategically chosen targets.
After attacking several worlds, including Khomm, the homeworld of Dorsk 81, Cronus launched an assault on the New Republic Defense Fleet's shipyards located at Chardaan. Unexpectedly, this location was the sole site where any form of resistance was mounted against the marauding Imperials. Despite Cronus's forces completely destroying the shipyards and their surrounding infrastructure, the victory came at the expense of two of his own capital ships.
Crimson Command, having left behind a scene of widespread devastation at Chardaan, proceeded to attack additional planets aligned with the New Republic, including Porus Vida. Subsequently, Cronus divided his fleet, dispatching twenty of his Victory-class Destroyers to rendezvous with Daala's forces at Yavin Prime's fourth moon, while the remaining vessels continued their scattered raiding operations. Among all the attacks perpetrated by Cronus, the engagement at Chardaan stood out as the only instance that could genuinely be classified as a battle.