Battle of Saleucami (Zann Consortium)

A raid was conducted by the Zann Consortium on Saleucami, targeting a Hutt Cartel listening post, with the goal of seizing control.


The instigation for the conflict arose when the Cartel initiated strikes against the Zann Consortium, resulting in the obliteration of one of the Consortium's base facilities. Following the corrupting of the world, Tyber Zann dispatched a Defiler to damage the shield generator. Subsequently, he deployed Urai Fen with orders to seize control of the planet.

The battle

Urai Fen was deployed to the planet alongside a contingent of Grenadiers and Mercenary Assault Squads. A contingent of his forces remained behind, tasked with securing the landing zone in anticipation of reinforcements. Upon successfully destroying the Hutt Command Center, the Hutt Cartel retaliated by deploying mines, resulting in the demise of the Mercenaries stationed at the landing zone. Anticipating this maneuver, Urai navigated past the Hutt Cartel forces to reclaim the landing zone, eliminating several Hutt mercenaries in the process. Following this accomplishment, the remaining Zann Consortium forces descended upon Saleucami, overwhelming the remaining Hutt Cartel forces.


Subsequent to the capture of Saleucami, Tyber learned that Jabba Desilijic Tiure had located a droid factory on Hypori that had, against all odds, endured the Clone Wars. Zann then made the determination to capture the aforementioned droid factory as his next objective.

