The Battle of Pelek Baw represented the concluding clash of the Summertime War. This conflict pitted the Haruun Kal government's Balawai militia, commanded by Colonel Lorz Geptun, against the Korunnai Upland Liberation Front, which was under the leadership of Jedi Generals Mace Windu and Depa Billaba, alongside the Korun lor pelek Kar Vastor.
The battle's opening move involved the capture of the Pelek Baw spaceport. This was achieved through a surprise attack by ten Jadthu-class landing ships filled with clone trooper forces. Their arrival was cleverly concealed by a decoy Turbostorm-class gunship strategically positioned within a waterfall. This initial assault resulted in the capture of 286 militia members (with 35 sustaining serious injuries) and the deaths of 48 others. While the ULF focused on gaining access to the Vulture droid control center at the spaceport, Jedi General Mace Windu ventured into the city to secure the surrender of Colonel Lorz Geptun, the commander of the Balawai militia.
However, after Windu's departure, the ULF betrayed his trust. They eliminated the clone trooper guard he had left behind, fabricated a story to the remaining clones in the gunships about Windu's death, and then, utilizing their influence over the clones and their control of the Vulture droids, initiated an assault on the city with the intention of leveling it and eliminating its inhabitants.
Windu successfully obtained Geptun's surrender and, with the assistance of the militia, managed to return to the spaceport, re-establish contact with the clones, and disable the droid command center. The clones, under the command of Major Nick Rostu, engaged and defeated the Korunnai Akk Guards, while Windu confronted and subdued ULF leaders Kar Vastor and Depa Billaba in a duel, placing them under arrest to face trial on Coruscant. Furthermore, Geptun's intervention allowed for the recall of the Vulture Droids, preventing the city's destruction.
Shortly thereafter, a Republic task force arrived in the system. The ULF was subsequently dissolved, the militia's size was reduced with many members enlisting in the Republic Army, and Haruun Kal formally rejoined the Republic, effectively bringing the Summertime War to an end.