In the established year of 20 BBY, the planet named Moorjhone served as the battleground for a conflict involving two Nightbrothers and the Galactic Republic. The former Sith apprentice, Darth Maul, who had recently reappeared, and his sibling, Savage Opress, were fleeing from bounty hunters. These hunters were employed by Ja'Boag, the leader of the Rim Mining Company, who had placed a sizable bounty on the brothers after they committed a random act of violence, killing one of his agents. Darth Maul chose to confront Ja'Boag directly, aiming to eliminate him at his mining facilities located on the desert planet Moorjhone. After infiltrating the main facility and attempting to assassinate the Gossam, Maul and Savage were intercepted by a Jedi strike team. This team consisted of Salmara, Judd, and Dray. They froze Savage in carbonite and injured Maul, who barely escaped into the surrounding desert.
Savage was stored as a decoration in Ja'Boag's office. Eventually, Maul encountered natives who had been displaced from their caves by the Mining Company's arrival. As the next Day of Three Suns approached, an event where the planet's surface would be scorched by the intense heat of three suns, the natives desperately sought to reclaim their caves. Darth Maul, whom the natives revered as the "Demon in the Light," led them into battle against the Mining Company's forces to rescue his captured brother. Ultimately, the 212th Attack Battalion of the Grand Army of the Republic, under the command of General Obi-Wan Kenobi, arrived. They significantly outnumbered the natives, who were armed with rudimentary weapons. Maul incited the clone trooper forces to open fire on the surrendering natives (against General Kenobi's orders), creating a diversion that allowed him to infiltrate the Mining Company base amidst the chaos.
For countless years, the Moorjhoni clans had inhabited the caves of their home world, Moorjhone, a part of a trinary star system composed of three stars. Every decade, all three stars would align on the same side of the planet, resulting in the destruction of all surface life. The caves provided a natural refuge from this harsh environment. However, prior to the Clone Wars, the arrival of the Rim Mining Company, led by the Gossam Ja'Boag, forced the Moorjhoni to abandon their caves, which were then repurposed for the company's use. The Moorjhoni sought the strength necessary to reclaim their caves and escape the impending destruction of the next "Day of Three Suns." The clan's shaman prophesied the arrival of an individual who would save the Moorjhoni from this fate, a figure who walked in the light but possessed the "face of a demon."
Darth Maul, a former Sith apprentice who had seemingly perished during the Battle of Naboo a decade earlier, resurfaced on Lotho Minor in 20 BBY. He was discovered by his long-lost brother, Savage Opress of the Nightbrother clan. Maul quickly reintegrated himself into galactic society, leaving a trail of bloodshed with his brother across the galaxy. During one of their violent acts, a reporter employed by the Rim Mining Company was killed. In response, Ja'Boag placed a live bounty on their heads, leading to numerous skirmishes with bounty hunters, including one on the planet Paklan. Maul learned of Ja'Boag's identity during an interrogation of a captured human bounty hunter. Seeking to invalidate the bounty, he traveled to Moorjhone to kill Ja'Boag and make a statement. Simultaneously, the Jedi Council initiated an investigation into Maul's reappearance and the Rim Mining Company's involvement. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi was assigned to track the brothers' location, while Masters Salmara and Judd, along with Padawan Dray, were dispatched to Moorjhone to question Ja'Boag about his knowledge of Maul's existence.
Maul and Savage arrived on Moorjhone before the Jedi task force. They found themselves separated from the mining facility by a significant security force deployed by Ja'Boag for his visit. Approached by a soldier, Maul used a mind trick to compel the man to carry a live thermal detonator into the midst of the security forces, eliminating a large portion of the perimeter defenses. The brothers then used their lightsabers to dispatch the remaining survivors before entering the facility. There, they encountered Ja'Boag and a substantial wing guard. Against his captain's advice, Ja'Boag chose to confront the brothers directly. After taunting them for their foolishness in entering enemy territory, Ja'Boag was thrown into a nearby smelting pit but was rescued at the last moment by Salmara, who had just arrived with the Jedi task force. Salmara offered the Nightbrothers a peaceful surrender, which Savage rejected.
Savage and Maul combined their Force abilities to push back much of the security force before being attacked by Judd, who wielded a saberstaff. During the fight, Salmara threw a container of carbonite at Savage. Unaware of its contents, Savage struck the container with his lightsaber, releasing the carbonite and freezing him. Enraged by his brother's defeat (and Judd's subsequent mocking of his metallic legs), Maul broke Judd's arm with his foot. Dray used this opportunity to sneak up on Maul and stab him through the pelvis with his lightsaber. However, this proved ineffective due to Maul's robotic lower half. Maul retaliated by severing both of Dray's hands with a single lightsaber strike. Maul then fled, collapsing the escape tunnel entrance using the Force and escaping into the surrounding desert.
After Maul had gone deep into the mining facility during the slaughter of the Moorjhoni people, he was met face to face by Master Judd. Maul put an ultimatum to Judd: either stop Maul right there and then, which would keep the massacre that was happening outside going before their final destruction in the Day of Three Suns, or save the clashing armies outside at the cost of letting him free his brother and escape. Judd chose the latter, promising that the Jedi Order would inevitably hunt down and put an end to Maul's bloody reign over the Outer Rim no matter what happened on Moorjhone. Judd threw himself into the center of fire outside, calling off the clone attack on the Moorjhoni forces. Meanwhile, Maul came to J'baog's control room, where he was met by Salmara and Dray, who were trying to catch the Rim Mining Company president. Maul used the force to unfreeze Savage from his carbonite prison, who was able to catch Salmara off guard and kill her in one swift move. Maul also started the lockdown process on the facility, with the intent of preventing any survivors of the massacre from finding refuge from the approaching inferno.
It was at this time that the Moorjhoni saw Judd as the true "Demon in the Light"; as the beams of the three suns came down upon them, the Jedi Master, in the process of burning alive, used his remaining strength to telekinetically propel General Kenobi and several Moorjhoni through the closing blast doors, sacrificing his own life to save the Moorjhoni from complete destruction.
Upon being taken away from the planet, Ja'boag was forced by his Nightbrother captives into nullifying the bounty on their heads and transferring a large amount of credits into their account. After finding no further use in their hostage, Opress ejected Ja'boag from the ship's airlock, killing him.
The battle on Moorjhone made its appearance in the Dark Horse Comics series Darth Maul: Death Sentence in 2012, part of the multimedia campaign surrounding the resurrection of the character Darth Maul.