Battle of Malsuum

A conflict transpired on Malsuum amidst the Clone Wars, pitting the forces of the Galactic Republic against those of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In this engagement, a Jedi of the Twi'lek species spearheaded an assault of clone trooper soldiers, only to be eliminated by a blast. CT-5539 then retrieved her remains and galvanized Red and Blue Teams to fight against B2 super battle droids and droidekas. Subsequently, while aboard a Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry alongside a Zabrak General, CT-5539 was struck by a laser blast and plummeted from the transport. Surviving the fall, he dwelled on the world for over two years until departing in search of the formidable warrior Darth Vader.

Behind the scenes

The flashback sequence of the Dark Horse comic Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows 1, released in 2013, depicts this battle.

