Battle of Gaerboud IV

The clash known as the Battle of Gaerboud IV unfolded in the depths of space. It pitted the forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic against those of the Galactic Empire. The conflict began when Rebel snubfighters intervened, seeking to halt the deployment of TIE/ad starfighters from the Deep Space Manufacturing Facility named Sentinel to the Imperial-class Star Destroyer called Dauntless.

The Battle

A contingent of Rebel Alliance T-65 X-wing starfighters, spearheaded by Rogue Squadron, materialized from hyperspace near Gaerboud IV. Their objective was to assault the TIE/ad starfighters, also known as TIE Avengers, as they were being transported by relatively inexperienced personnel from the Sentinel to the Imperial Star Destroyer Dauntless. The Dauntless was present to oversee the arrival of a new shipment of these advanced fighters.

In response, the Dauntless promptly dispatched TIE interceptors and bombers to confront the Rebel incursion. These escort fighters posed a significantly greater challenge to the X-wings than the TIE Avengers, whose pilots demonstrated limited skill in evasive maneuvers. Echoing the previous two engagements of Operation: Quick Strike, a small detachment of Blue Squadron's A-wings stood ready to reinforce the Rebel squadrons if the situation demanded it. The Galactic Empire had a flight group of Assault Gunboats on alert.

However, if a sufficient number of TIE Avengers were to successfully reach the hangar bay of the Dauntless, the Rebels, possibly as a last resort, would deploy a Nebulon-B frigate known as the Rehz'nor. This vessel would then launch X-wings and Y- wings to initiate torpedo runs against the Dauntless in an attempt to destroy it.

Behind the scenes

Because players are able to participate in the "Interdiction of Starfighter Deployment" mission within the Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter computer game, fighting for either the Rebel or Imperial side—with each side having different goals—and because victory is not required to continue to the next missions, the battle is considered canon, but the canonical outcome remains unconfirmed.

The ships mentioned in this article are those present in the Operation: Quick Strike battle, utilizing the default vehicles given to the player.

