A clash occurred at Folor involving Admiral Apwar Trigit against the then-developing Wraith Squadron and Blue Squadron. Although the base was ultimately lost, the New Republic successfully evacuated it with few casualties by employing unconventional strategies.
After entering the service of Warlord Zsinj, Admiral Trigit conceived a straightforward yet effective method for pinpointing potential locations of concealed enemy stations and deep-space assembly points: the Morrt-class parasite-droid initiative. These inconspicuous droids would attach to vessels, transmitting their departure and arrival coordinates and times to the Implacable. Utilizing this intelligence, Gara Petothel deduced that the moon Folor, orbiting the planet Commenor, served as a New Republic base.
Aiming to impress Zsinj with the results of his brainchild and thus secure his eventual promotion to captain of the Razor's Kiss, Trigit resolved to eliminate the Folor base independently, confident that his Implacable would overwhelm the opposition. However, given Commenor's neutral status and dealings with Zsinj, Trigit contacted the local authorities, securing authorization and camouflage for his arrival.
The engagement began well before any weapons were fired. Wraith Squadron was preparing for a hyperspace jump exercise when Jesmin Ackbar, the unit's communications specialist, picked up unusual encrypted transmissions on Imperial frequencies. While not immediately alarming due to Commenor's neutrality, this warranted further investigation, and Wedge, still becoming familiar with his squadmate's capabilities, instructed his squadron to 'find something useful to do'. Drawing upon his previous commando experience, Kell Tainer requested Grinder to infiltrate Commenor's central computer system and search for standard documents and information indicating the arrival of military forces. A swift scan enabled Grinder to determine that the largest berth in Commenor's shipyard had recently been cleared for a 'private yacht' Implacable, and that Commenor had granted permission for the same 'private yacht' to conduct live-fire exercises on Folor. This latter piece of information, coupled with the fact that the reserved berth was only suitable for capital ships, convinced them that Trigit was inbound.
Alerted to the impending arrival of a Star Destroyer, General Edor Crespin acted swiftly, ordering a complete evacuation. Rapidly loading all available resources onto the base's two evacuation transport vessels, the New Republic forces prepared to depart, but an engine malfunction on the Borleias hindered their immediate escape. Recognizing that the Implacable would soon be within bombardment range, Crespin activated his primary defense: the decoy base. He also deployed all three squadrons - Wraith Squadron and Blue Squadron were tasked with engaging the TIE fighters, while Gold Squadron was assigned to escort the transports.
Fully aware of the potential for an attack, the engineers at Folor base had gathered enough decommissioned fuel tanks and prefabricated structures to construct a convincing decoy base on the opposite side of the moon. Equipped with a few booby traps to create impressive explosions, and a few homing beacons and comm transmitters to simulate activity and panic, the decoy base served as an inexpensive yet effective means of delaying any attacking force. Overconfident in the secrecy of his strategy, and completely unaware of having been detected, Trigit fell for the simple ruse, wasting valuable time bombing a decoy into oblivion and maneuvering his Star Destroyer around the moon towards his actual target.
Reluctantly impressed by his adversary's ingenuity, Trigit ordered the deployment of all his starfighters and the raising of his shields, while cautiously maneuvering the Implacable close to the lunar surface, wary of further surprises. Unable to definitively determine their opponent's position, Wedge and Crespin decided to dispatch an A-wing pair and an X-wing pair stealthily ahead as spotters, to calculate an interception point and, if possible, launch a surprise attack on the Implacable should the opportunity arise. This assignment fell to Kell Tainer and Runt, and to Dorset Konnair and Tetengo Noor.
As is common among pilots, the flight to the interception point became a race, in this case between the A-wing and X-wing pairs. While A-Wings would typically outpace the slower X-wings in open space, the need to fly close to the ground and navigate the crevices of Folor's surface made the race more balanced, but also far more perilous.
Initially, the A-Wings gained a considerable lead over the X-Wings. However, once the fighters were forced into the valleys used for bombing practice, the A-Wings had to reduce their speed, allowing Tainer and Runt to eventually overtake them and reach their designated spotting position first. After some playful banter, both pairs began gathering data on their adversaries and calculated a potential ambush point for the rest of their squadron. However, the second part of their mission appeared unfeasible: with Trigit having raised his shields, there was simply no way for the four of them to mount any significant attack on the Implacable.
Thanks to the reconnaissance provided by their spotters, the remaining starfighters emerged from their hiding places and swiftly engaged their opponents, cutting through their densely packed formations before engaging in a massive dogfight. The New Republic fighters initially managed to eliminate 20 TIEs while losing only two of their own, but the numerical advantage of the Imperials gradually began to take its toll.
As the battle intensified, Kell Tainer devised a daring and ingenious plan: impersonating "Rogue Two" and Dorset Konnair acting as "Princess Leia", he had Runt and himself amplify their signal outputs to mimic those of two groups of X-wings, and the two A-Wings flew together, merging their shields to simulate a damaged Millennium Falcon. The two of them would then improvise a dialogue broadcast in an outdated code, hoping to deceive the Implacable into believing that the Falcon was present, damaged, and unable to fly with Princess Leia aboard; in other words, an easy capture.
Upon learning of the Falcon's presence, Trigit was initially suspicious of another trick. However, given the evidence suggesting that the base was now abandoned, he had been wondering why the New Republic was mounting such a fierce defense for an empty base, and concluded that they were attempting to buy time for the Falcon. He then ordered the Implacable to divert course in pursuit.
As the battle progressed, the Borleias finally managed to take off. At that point, the New Republic starfighters began to disengage, and the spotters dropped their decoy while escaping into the canyons. Enraged, Trigit ordered a full bombardment of the canyons, at least to exact revenge on those who had deceived him. However, Runt, allowing another of his personalities to take control, managed to guide his comrades to safety, despite flying at full speed through a collapsing canyon.
After regrouping, the rebels quickly jumped into hyperspace, while a frustrated Trigit reduced the now-empty base to rubble. Thanks to their unconventional tactics, the New Republic successfully evacuated the base with only 5 losses, while destroying or damaging over 35 TIE fighters. This impressive action convinced Admiral Ackbar to officially commission Wraith Squadron as an active unit.
The concept of a false Millennium Falcon would be revisited later in the Millennium Falsehood ploy used against Zsinj.
Admiral Trigit harbored a grudge against those who had outsmarted him, which would ultimately contribute to his downfall.