Battle of Elliirad

The confrontation known as the Battle of Elliirad was a clash in space between the forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the forces of the Galactic Empire. This conflict transpired within the confines of the Elliirad system, instigated by the Rebel factions. Their objectives included the sabotage of the Imperial Elliirad Platform, the seizure of Imperial provisions, and the obliteration of Imperial cargo containers present within the system.

The Battle

A Rebel squadron, spearheaded by a Delta-class JV-7 escort shuttle, made its entrance into the Elliirad system. The Y-wing attack starfighters prioritized Imperial cargo containers and incoming transports as their targets, and that included the cargo ferries Slainte and Lesyta along with the modular conveyors Posi and Mhath. Simultaneously, A-wing interceptors operating from Blue Squadron engaged the platform's defensive fighter complement, which consisted of TIE/LN starfighters and long-range patrol Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wing fighters.

Under the guise of an Imperial vessel, the escort shuttle entered the system and proceeded to dock with Elliirad Platform amidst the ongoing combat. Unbeknownst to the Imperials, Rebel forces had recently hijacked this shuttle, placing it under the command of the distinguished Katarn Commandos. This unit then launched an assault on Elliirad Platform, pilfering supplies and planting explosive devices. Upon the shuttle's departure from Elliirad Platform, the Imperial station met its explosive end, thereby enabling the remaining Y-wings to approach within laser range of the cargo containers and transports without facing fire from Elliirad Platform's turbolaser emplacements.

Notwithstanding this apparent shift in momentum, the Empire retaliated with the arrival of the Striker, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, into the combat arena. Although the Striker was situated at a considerable distance, it deployed several flight groups comprised of swift TIE/IN interceptors, which promptly moved to engage the Rebel starfighters.

Despite the loss of Elliirad Platform and the successful execution of the Katarn Commandos' mission, the ultimate result of the battle remains uncertain. It appears to have been the final engagement of Operation: Quick Strike.

Behind the scenes

Given the opportunity for players to participate in the mission "Hit and Fade on Elliirad Platform" within the computer game Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter from either the Rebel or Imperial perspective—each side possessing conflicting objectives—the battle itself is acknowledged as canon, although the canonical outcome is not definitively known.

The starships mentioned in this article are those featured in the battle Operation: Quick Strike, utilizing the default vessels assigned to the player.

The involvement of the Katarn Commandos was substantiated in Galaxy at War, along with a catalog of the supplies they seized from Elliirad Platform. In X-wing vs. TIE Fighter, the commando unit onboard the escort shuttle is identified solely as "Storm Unit"; the Imperial player is unable to eliminate it without incurring point deductions, as it carries a transponder code designating it as an Imperial vessel. Consequently, the destruction of Elliirad Platform and the theft of supplies by the Rebel commandos are regarded as canon, even though the comprehensive outcome of the engagement is not known.

