Battle of Eidoloni

The Battle of Eidoloni unfolded within the Eidoloni system, pitting the forces of the Galactic Empire against those of the Alliance to Restore the Republic in the year 3 ABY.


Following an investigation into the Comm Center, an Imperial communications relay that was secretly transmitting Imperial information to the Rebel Alliance using a long-dormant frequency, Zaletta, an Imperial official willing to defect, was identified. The Alliance pinpointed Zaletta's location to an outpost designated DX-11a. The rebels launched an attack on the outpost, hoping to extract the defector without raising suspicion. However, they anticipated a strong Imperial response. Unbeknownst to the Alliance, Commander Kupalo was secretly working as a brainwashed spy for the Empire.


The EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate named Redemption, accompanied by 4 T-65 X-wing starfighters, arrived near the outpost. The X-wings then proceeded to engage the station, successfully eliminating all TIE fighters. Simultaneously, the container transport Freedon and the Neutron Star-class bulk cruiser Golga'tha entered hyperspace, leaving the base vulnerable. After the shields were disabled, 4 Lambda-class T-4a shuttles were launched from the station. Red 2, piloted by Ace Azzameen, identified the defector within the last shuttle, AA-23. The Alliance transmitted rendezvous coordinates to the shuttle, which then departed to meet with the Redemption. Meanwhile, the fighters completed the destruction of the station and returned to the frigate.

As Zaletta completed his defection and docked with the Redemption, the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Subjugator and the Immobilizer 418 cruiser Restrainer arrived, attempting to trap and destroy the Redemption. The Liberty then arrived, deploying Y-wings to assist in destroying the Restrainer and provide cover for the Redemption. Despite the Subjugator's deployment of large numbers of TIE fighters, TIE interceptors, TIE bomber and TIE Avengers, the Restrainer was destroyed, which allowed both Alliance starships to escape into hyperspace.


Zaletta was confined to the Liberty's brig on suspicion of treachery, pending verification of his claims of ignorance. Meanwhile, Kupalo, aware that Zaletta's claims would soon be confirmed, planned to steal the shuttle in an attempt to undermine Zaletta's defection.

Behind the Curtain

Optional objectives include destroying the Space Station DX-11a, all Imperial starfighters, and the Subjugator. The canon status of these bonus objectives remains uncertain.

