In the year 3674 BBY, amidst the sweeping Great Galactic War that pitted the Galactic Republic against the Sith Empire, a significant conflict unfolded on the planet of Bomodon. While traversing the skies of this Mid Rim territory, a transport, ferrying a platoon of Republic soldiers belonging to the Army's 45th Infantry Division, suffered a catastrophic crash. Lieutenant Elin Garza, serving as the platoon's commander, took charge, leading her surviving soldiers in a sustained guerrilla resistance against the occupying Imperial Military forces present on the world. With crucial assistance from Republic Strategic Information Service agent Marcus Trant, who was operating undercover, Garza and her troops ultimately triumphed in liberating Bomodon, securing an improbable and remarkable victory for the Republic.
The Great Galactic War, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire that began in 3681 BBY, started very poorly for the Republic. Initially, vast regions within the Outer Rim Territories fell under the control of the Imperial Military, while the Republic struggled with internal problems and disagreements. The Sith's strategic focus during this period centered on dominating the Outer Rim, although two instances exist of Imperial operations within the Mid Rim during these initial years of the war. The first involved the Battle of Talay, where naval officer Broysc commanded his forces, resulting in a devastating Republic defeat. The second involved the Empire's conquest of Bomodon, a planet situated in the Churba sector of the Mid Rim. In 3674 BBY, the Republic disputed the Imperial claim over Bomodon, which led to a battle to gain control of the planet.
The struggle for Bomodon, which unfolded over several months, is especially remembered because of the involvement of Elin Garza and Marcus Trant. Lieutenant Garza, a platoon commander within the Republic Army's 45th Infantry Division, found herself and her unit in a dire situation when their vessel was shot down while flying over the planet. She and the surviving troops managed to avoid capture by Imperial forces thanks to the assistance of Trant, an undercover agent working for the Republic Strategic Information Service. With Trant's help, Garza and her platoon launched a guerrilla-style resistance against the Imperial occupation; this campaign, lasting ten months, ultimately concluded with the Republic forces successfully driving the Empire off Bomodon.
The loss of the planet eventually contributed to the Empire's seizure of the Seswenna sector and their third and most significant attempt to breach the Mid Rim during the First Battle of Bothawui. Following their triumph on Bomodon, Garza and Trant married, although their marriage lasted only for twenty-six months. Garza's actions eventually led to her promotion to the rank of Colonel, while Trant's accomplishments propelled him to the position of Director of the Republic Strategic Information Service.
The battle on Bomodon was initially referenced in the entries dedicated to Marcus Trant and Elin Garza within the 2012 reference book titled Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia.