The Battle of Asteroid 426 occurred during the era known as the Clone Wars.
General Sev'rance Tann and her Separatist forces arrived, and she received instructions from Dooku to navigate the treacherous asteroid field and overcome the Republic grid defenses to reach Asteroid 426, which was positioned outside Sarapin within the planet's ring system. This was no simple task, as the field was heavily fortified with Anti-Air turrets, posing a significant threat to the fighters and the entire force. Fortunately, with the support of Confederacy cruisers, Tann managed to slowly advance toward the asteroid, encountering only minor resistance from Republic fighters. Upon reaching the asteroid's surface, she proceeded to destroy the supply depots, securing the necessary resources to establish a base of operations. Meanwhile, the Republic troops stationed on the asteroid launched intermittent attacks on the enemy base, but these efforts proved largely ineffective. Subsequently, after assembling a sufficient number of troops, she overwhelmed the remaining Republic forces and successfully destroyed the power relay that protected Sarapin's shield.