Battle for Jedha

The events known as the battle for Jedha unfolded on the sacred moon when a group of rebels, under the leadership of Princess Leia Organa, embarked on a mission to Jedha amidst the Galactic Civil War. Their objective was to establish communication with the remaining members of Saw Gerrera's Partisans.


Following the destruction of Jedha's Holy City by the Death Star, the surviving Partisans, along with some residents of the Holy City, reorganized. Under the command of Saw Gerrera's second-in-command, Benthic, they persisted in their fight against the remaining forces of the Galactic Empire on Jedha. During this time, the Rebel Alliance was actively seeking a new base of operations.

The Empire and the Kingdom of Shu-Torun, governed by Commander Befa, received orders to recover the remaining kyber crystals from Jedha. However, Befa's troops could only secure a single box of crystals due to the ongoing resistance and the altered climate of Jedha.

Lord Vader tasked Shu-Torun's queen, Trios, with dispatching her specialists to Jedha to extract the remaining Kyber crystals. He also instructed Trios to provide the rebels with information to disrupt their efforts on Jedha and infiltrate the Alliance as they build their new fleet, and to notify him when the Rebels were about to conceal themselves. To ensure her compliance, Vader and Trios eliminated her guards and attendants.

The assault

A group of Partisans, led by Ubin Des, engaged in combat with snowtroopers who shot down their T-47 airspeeder. They were rescued by Rebel Alliance Commander Luke Skywalker. Together, they escaped and boarded the Millennium Falcon. Des met with Captain Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa in NaJedha, where she discussed the possibility of re-establishing ties between the Alliance and the Partisans to counter the Empire's actions. Des and Chulco Gi agreed to escort them to the Partisans' base. At the base, Benthic initially advocated for killing Organa and her allies but ultimately agreed to hear her out. He then consented to accept her supplies and discussed the potential for rejoining the Alliance.

The Imperial forces were then placed under the command of Commander Kanchar and his civilian adviser, Queen Trios of Shu-Torun. After relieving Befa of his command, Kanchar and Trios devised a plan to retrieve the remaining kyber from Jedha. They discovered that Gerrera and his partisans had a horde of kyber stored at the Catacombs of Cadera that Trios's miners had discovered. Kanchar then declared Jedha a prohibited moon. Trios prepared the drill citadel and allowed Kanchar to deploy it to Jedha.

Attack in Ai-jed

Skywalker accompanied Gi and Des to Ai-jed, where they witnessed stormtroopers incinerating people. Skywalker engaged the stormtroopers, eliminating them all. Skywalker, Gi, and Des reunited with Benthic and Solo. Together, they observed the drill citadel landing and formulated a plan to destroy it.

Attacking the Drill citadel

Skywalker attacked one of the miners as he and Benthic boarded the drill citadel. Benthic forced one of the technicians to lower the shields, enabling the Partisans and the Falcon to attack the citadel. While Des diverted the gunners, Solo and Organa successfully destroyed the citadel mine. Despite this setback, Trios assured Kanchar that the Leviathan would complete the task.

Luke went with Gi to learn more about the Jedi at the chasm. As they approached, they then came under attack by a sand slug. Skywalker managed to kill it and encountered two members of the Central Isopter. Skywalker then listened to the Central Isopters answers.

Attacking the Leviathan

The attack run

Subsequently, the Partisans devised a strategy to attack the Leviathan. Solo, Organa, and Benthic analyzed the Leviathan as one of the Partisans teams initiated an attack. Des successfully planted an explosive on it, but it had no effect. Organa and Solo then piloted one of the airspeeders to rescue Des's team. During this time, Luke rescued Chewbacca from a TIE after retrieved plans to the Leviathan and rendezvoused with the Partisans and Leia's team after they rescued Des' team.

Leia then devised a plan to infiltrate the _Leviathan _with Benthic. The plan involved one team infiltrating the bridge while the second team piloted the Leviathan to the hole where Jedha City once stood. Luke took 3PO and Leia aboard the Leviathan. Together, they managed to disable the Leviathan's weapons. However, Commander Kanchar discovered the Partisans and attacked the Partisans' base. The Partisans and several of the refugees boarded the Falcon and escaped. Benthic was wounded in the attack and Solo took charge.

Kanchar then attempted to shoot the _Falcon _down as it approached the Leviathan. However, weapons were down and had to be rebooted. Kanchar was confronted by Skywalker with his lightsaber. However, Kanchar was armed with a weapon in his cybernetic arm. Solo and the Partisans landed on the Leviathan and fought the stormtroopers. As Leia and R2 prevented reinforcements from attacking Solo, Leia was confronted at blaster point by Trios.

An unexpected ally

After Trios gloated to Leia, she asked her to punch her. Trios then revealed that she was the one who leaked the Leviathan's plans to Chewbacca. As Leia questioned Trios' reasons, Solo and the Partisans went to the bridge. Skywalker fought Kanchar as well, evading his built-in flame thrower. Trios told Leia that after Vader killed her father and family, Trios promised herself that Shu-Torun would not suffer Alderaan's fate. Trios also told Leia that while the Empire raised its quota on Shu-Torun, her people have stockpiled resources. Leia knew that the Alliance could use the resources to rebuild the fleet.

Skywalker was able to knock out Kanchar and met up with Leia. Leia agreed to have Trios act as an informant within the Empire. Luke and Leia left as Trios summoned more guards to ensure her loyalty to the Empire. Luke and Leia then went to the bridge where they were picked up by the Falcon. As the Falcon made its escape, the Leviathan went into the Chasm. Only Trios, Kanchar and several of her guards were able to escape before the Leviathan fell into the chasm.


The Falcon transported the surviving Partisans and refugees to NaJedha. Benthic pledged that he and his partisans would guard Jedha until it was gone. Leia agreed to have the Partisans work with the Alliance once again. Ubin Des was then awarded the Medal of Bravery by Captain Solo in recognition for her actions.

