The Balyeg was a sizable reptilian beast that hunted the pardlam for sustenance. Noted bounty hunter Jango Fett regarded this creature as one of the most terrifying beings in the galaxy. In an effort to instill fearlessness in his son Boba, Fett journeyed with him to the Balyeg's planet and tasked him with retrieving a tooth from the creature, a mission Boba successfully completed.
The Balyeg made its home within a vast cave and sustained itself by preying on the pardlam, the only creatures large enough to satisfy its immense appetite. The Balyeg used a unique sense of smell to locate the pardlam, detecting a specific odor they emitted.
In the year 22 BBY, the Balyeg's home planet was visited by the bounty hunter Jango Fett and his son, Boba. With the intention of exposing his son to the most frightening creature in the galaxy to conquer fear, Jango brought Boba to the Balyeg's cave. He coated Boba with the scent of the pardlam, equipped him with his jetpack, and instructed him to retrieve a tooth from the Balyeg. Despite being attacked by the Balyeg, Boba skillfully used the jetpack to evade the creature and successfully obtained its tooth, which he then presented to Jango.
During the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Breath of the Balyeg served as the name of a pirate vessel.
The Balyeg made its appearance in Blood Ties: A Tale of Jango and Boba Fett 1.