The B'omarr Monastery, located on Teth, shared architectural similarities with Jabba's Palace which was situated on Tatooine.

Positioned on a sizable mesa within the jungles of Teth was the monastery. This fortress included subterranean levels used for prisoner confinement, a throne chamber, a pit beneath the throne room housing a jungle rancor, and a landing platform at the rear entrance.
Originally, the Teth monastery was the home of the B'omarr Monks; later in its existence, it became occupied by both the Hutts and their associated smugglers.
During the era of the Clone Wars, the monastery functioned as a concealed base for those aligned with the Confederate forces who had taken Rotta, the young Huttlet, captive. A Republic team, commanded by both Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, arrived on the planet with the objective of freeing the Huttlet, which triggered the Battle of Teth. Skywalker's troops engaged in combat with Asajj Ventress and a Separatist military force, ultimately succeeding in liberating Rotta from imprisonment.