The vessel designated Azgoghk functioned as a dungeon ship within the Imperial fleet. Its primary function was the systematic elimination of alien species situated in the most remote sectors of the galaxy, an objective aligned with the principles of Human High Culture. This vessel, one of three extermination ships specifically created for the staunchly Humanocentric Imperial Grand Admiral Danetta Pitta, was under the command of Admiral Mir Tork. The chief scientist, Leonis Murthé, served as his second-in-command. The Azgoghk, accompanied by the Angrix and [Apocahk], along with a substantial escort force, was deployed to the Outer Rim Territories. Officially, their mission was Imperial exploration, but in reality, their purpose was to locate, enslave, and annihilate non-Human civilizations.
Over several years, the Azgoghk traversed the Rim, exploiting planets for their resources and inhabitants. However, in 4 ABY, the escort force protecting the dungeon ship was summoned to fight at Endor. This left the Azgoghk vulnerable, and it was subsequently disabled by Rebellion forces. Although Pitta was dead and the Empire was in disarray, Murthé and Tork managed to escape. They later returned to the site where the Azgoghk remained intact and resumed their original mission.
Among the final species targeted by the ship were the Gulmarids. They contracted bounty hunter Boba Fett to eliminate Murthé and Tork. Fett confronted the Azgoghk on Malicar 3, successfully disabling it and killing both of its deranged leaders. The ship remained inactive on Malicar 3, and Fett freed its last group of prisoners. He then delivered the heads of Murthé and Tork to Slique Brighteyes, a Gulmarid survivor.

Admiral Mir Tork and his cruel science officer, Leonis Murthé, were in charge of the death ship. It was one of a trio of similar vessels, including the Apocahk and Angrix, all operating under the command of Grand Admiral Danetta Pitta.
The Azgoghk, together with its sister ships, the Angrix and Apocahk, rose to infamy during the Galactic Civil War, sometime after 2 BBY. In that year, Danetta Pitta was promoted to the rank of Imperial Grand Admiral. He was a zealous, anti-alien fanatic—ironically, of near-Human ancestry—who deeply believed in Human High Culture. Pitta championed the extermination of non-Human species, and to achieve this, he was granted control over the three dungeon ships. Their official purpose was to explore and expand the Empire's territory in the Outer Rim Territories, but Pitta used them exclusively for genocide. Each ship operated independently, supported by a large escort fleet comprising several Star Destroyers and other, smaller support vessels. Once a planet's species had been eradicated and its resources plundered, each ship would move on to another world ripe for exploitation.
Mir Tork, a ruthlessly efficient and fanatically Humanocentric Imperial admiral, commanded the Azgoghk. His second-in-command was chief scientist Leonis Murthé, whose hatred for aliens rivaled that of Tork and Pitta. The ship annihilated hundreds of species during its voyages, while Murthé conducted experiments on selected captives, prolonging their suffering before ultimately killing them.
The Empire seized control of the remote, primitive world of Gulma several months before the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY. The Azgoghk was then dispatched to the planet's surface to capture its inhabitants, the peaceful Gulmarid. Stormtroopers rounded up the population, informing them that they were being taken off-world for their own safety. Any Gulmarid who questioned this were severely punished, and the trusting species complied with the Imperial demands and boarded the ship. The imperials later abandoned the ship, but rebel fighters liberated it. Mir Tork and Leonis Murthe later returned to the ship with a force of slavers.
Slique Brighteyes, a Gulmarid who survived the Azgoghk's purge, hired Boba Fett in 11 ABY to assassinate Tork and Murthé. The reward was the Gulmarids' entire wealth: 100 credits. Fett accepted the job, supposedly to rehabilitate his damaged reputation (following his defeat at the Great Pit of Carkoon). On Malicar 3, Fett used an ion cannon to single-handedly disable the ship. He then boarded the ship, killed Tork and Murthé, and freed dozens of alien prisoners. These prisoners armed themselves with weapons taken from the corpses left by Fett and launched a revolt against the remaining slavers.
Fett returned to Brighteyes on Basteel, carrying the severed heads of Tork and Murthé, thus completing his assignment. The Azgoghk's reign of terror had finally come to an end.

The Gulmarids, one of the last species captured by the Azgoghk before Endor, were slowly dying out. Those who had escaped the Azgoghk were in poor physical condition, and many had simply lost the will to live. The survivors, led by Slique Brighteyes, were determined to ensure that Tork and Murthé died before the last of the Gulmarids perished. Pooling their meager resources, which amounted to a paltry one hundred credits, they decided to place a bounty on Tork and Murthé. Bounties had been placed on the pair's heads before, but bounty hunters had either died trying or refused the contract, believing the Azgoghk to be impenetrable. Brighteyes, however, sought to hire Boba Fett. Once the galaxy's most infamous bounty hunter, Fett's career was faltering after several high-profile failures, and Brighteyes hoped he would accept the mission to prove his abilities.
Brighteyes presented his proposal to Fett, but when the Gulmarid told Fett the reward, the bounty hunter nearly killed him for wasting his time. However, after further thought, Fett accepted the offer as a last-ditch attempt to revive his failing career. The Azgoghk mission was considered one of the strangest bounties Fett ever accepted, and in a galaxy full of Fett impostors, some even questioned whether it was really Fett who undertook it.