Averen was a fleet officer in the Imperial Navy. He was a male Human who held the rank of captain. He commanded the Star Destroyer named the Monarch. During the Seizure of Coruscant, he surrendered his vessel to the forces of the New Republic after his ship was critically damaged.
Averen, along with his ship, the Monarch, were not known for being particularly effective. Because of this lack of reputation, Ysanne Isard, the Director of Imperial Intelligence, selected the Monarch to participate in the defense of Coruscant during the Seizure of Coruscant. The Star Destroyer Triumph, which also suffered from a poor reputation, was selected to join them.
Isard's plan was for Coruscant to be taken by the Rebels, so that the New Republic would discover that its bacta supplies had been ruined by the krytos virus outbreak. It is therefore probable that Isard anticipated the capture or destruction of both the Monarch and the Triumph during the conflict. She essentially abandoned them, along with Averen and his crew, to their fate, choosing instead to redeploy the superior Star Destroyers Emperor's Will and Imperator.
During the engagement, the Monarch's shields failed after sustaining significant fire from the New Republic's Star Destroyers Emancipator and Liberator, as well as the Mon Calamari Cruiser Home One. The Triumph suffered even greater damage and was ultimately seized by the Mon Calamari Cruiser Mon Remonda.
Soon after the Triumph's capture, Averen made contact with Home One and offered his surrender. Admiral Ackbar accepted, and Commander Sirlul negotiated the terms of the surrender, which were either unconditional or involved only trivial conditions.
Following the battle and the surrender, the Monarch was incorporated into the fleet of the New Republic.