The assault leveled against Vader transpired between the years of 3 ABY and 4 ABY. This event took place amidst both the scourge of the droids conflict and the Force Wave occurrence on the planet Mustafar. During this time, the Scourge managed to corrupt an octuptarra tri-droid sourced from the derelict Techno Union droid factory. The Scourge, having commandeered ZED-6-7—a droid in service to the Sith Lord Darth Vader, who was the Scourge's intended target—launched an offensive against Vader and his droid retinue using both ZED and the octuptarra. This attack followed a prior unsuccessful attempt to corrupt Vader while he was aboard his Star Dreadnought, the Executor. Throughout the battle, Vader was able to channel his self-directed animosity, regaining his control over the Force. He had been experiencing difficulty in wielding the Force ever since the Force Wave's return. With renewed command of his Force abilities, Vader obliterated both the corrupted octuptarra and the corrupted ZED. ZED was subsequently reconstructed.
The Vader attack was depicted in Darth Vader (2020) 39. Its initial mention occurred within the introductory crawl of Darth Vader (2020) 40.