The second engagement at DS 5 unfolded as a significant clash during the Battle for Honor segment of the broader Galactic Civil War.
Admiral Harkov, a former officer of the Imperial Navy who chose to side with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, was utilizing the Rebel base DS 5 as a resupply point for his military forces. This effort, however, was disrupted by a prior Imperial assault. After locating Harkov's position, Gunboats belonging to Mu group moved back to the system near the Rebel outpost DS 5. Imperial Intelligence had detected multiple cargo ships heading toward Harkov's location. The Secret Order tasked Maarek Stele with examining the convoy to determine which supplies were vital to Harkov's fleet.

Armed with powerful rockets, the Gunboats materialized from hyperspace approximately twenty kilometers away from DS 5 and the Protector (the admiral's command ship), which was positioned to intercept any vessels attempting to resupply the defector Harkov. The initial arrivals were three bulk freighters originating from Karflo, which were immediately targeted by the four Gunboats of Mu group, including one piloted by Maarek Stele, supported by an additional four Gunboats from Rho group. Stele conducted inspections of the freighters to identify their cargo before the vessels were destroyed. Subsequently, Imperial Gunboats inspected and eliminated two Modular Conveyors SoruSuub carrying water and Hydrazine, Container Transports Morgath 1, loaded with spare parts, and 5, containing munitions, as well as two CR90 corvettes named Sundog, carrying soldiers.
As the Imperial starfighters completed the destruction of the incoming convoy, TIE Avengers launched from the Victory I-class Star Destroyer Protector rapidly closed the distance to engage Gunboats Mu and Rho. Despite being technologically inferior and outnumbered, the Imperial fighters briefly resisted, managing to destroy a few of the superior Avengers before retreating to the safety of hyperspace.
The destruction of the resupply convoy dealt a significant blow to Harkov's operational capabilities. The next objective was to neutralize his starfighter advantage by eliminating the Hyperdrive equipped TIE Avengers.
This battle is featured in the game Star Wars: TIE Fighter as Battle 5, Mission 3.
This analysis assumes that both "Primary" and "Secondary" mission objectives are completed. The "Bonus" objectives involve inflicting casualties on Harkov's TIE Advanced squadrons, destroying all A-wings, damaging the Protector, inspecting at least one of the supply containers near the ship, and destroying all Heavy Lifters AAA Tow, A1 Tow and A2 Tow. Achieving these bonus objectives requires the player to replace Heavy Rockets with Advanced concussion missiles.