Attack on the Calabar Queen

In the year 2 ABY, the Calabar Queen, a luxury liner, was destroyed by sabotage from the terrorist organization known as the Justice Action Network. The explosion occurred as the starship was making its final descent towards the planet Cadomai Prime. Aboard the vessel were numerous Imperial dignitaries, including Moffs, governors, and high-level officers, all of whom perished in the incident. Subsequently, the Justice Action Network asserted that they were responsible for the terrorist act, stating that it was in response to Imperial oppression of independent planets situated within the Colonies and the Outer Rim Territories. Following the incident, the Imperial Transport Commission was swiftly tasked with the investigation of the explosion and verification of the sabotage. Despite assurances from the Empire regarding their response, inhabitants of the Core began to develop anxieties about potential terrorist activities within the Core Worlds.

