Arista Kabul, hailing from Otunia, was a youthful Human female. She was the offspring of Lorn Kabul, the proprietor of a mining enterprise. Although she was an expert marksman, fully capable of self-defense, her father insisted she constantly wear a tracking device on her ankle.
Following Lorn's demise at the hands of his sibling, Seth Kabul, who plotted with the Imperial warlord Moff Harsh to seize control of the mining business, Arista allied herself with the powerful and remarkably honorable Gamorrean named Grissom and the technologically adept Jawa Tek, a wanted individual. Arista possessed comprehension of Jawaese.
The tracking device was disabled by Tek, preventing Arista's uncle from locating them. Subsequently, the three companions successfully undermined the mining venture, causing its downfall for her uncle, and escaped the planet.