The Ardanium Rush was a period of intense migration to the planet Questal, driven by the pursuit of the valuable mineral [ardanium]. This mass movement of miners and businesspeople commenced circa 3 BBY. The discovery of ardanium occurred when an agri-droid on Questal unearthed a rock containing the mineral, also around 3 BBY. Emperor Palpatine of the Galactic Empire, upon being informed of this discovery, understood the potential to significantly expand his fleet using Questal's ardanium resources. As a result, a massive influx of entrepreneurs and miners began arriving, each hoping to strike it rich. In Gralleenya, the capital city, prospectors devastated the surrounding landscape, creating the Waste—a desolate region marred by abandoned mines and excavations. The Ardanium Rush also attracted criminal organizations, which established bases of operation on the planet. Consequently, Moff Bandor was dispatched by Emperor Palpatine to re-establish control. With the aid of the Imperial Military, Bandor successfully suppressed the widespread disorder. However, clashes persisted as Questal's ardanium reserves dwindled over the subsequent three years. Ultimately, following Bandor's defeat at the hands of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the Empire opted to withdraw from Questal due to the near exhaustion of its ardanium deposits.