
Arankau, a Rishii of the male persuasion (as defined by gender), resided on the planet Rishi in the era of the Galactic War. From his youth, he developed a fascination with the Nova Blades pirates who had established a presence on Rishi, anticipating their eventual descent into hostility. Arankau dedicated himself to observing their behavior, and when his predictions materialized in an attack, he spearheaded a defense comprised of numerous Rishii, subduing each pirate without resorting to lethal force. This decisive action ensured the permanent departure of the Nova Blades from Rishii lands, and marked the end of Arankau's need to engage in combat. In the year 3637 BBY, he extended hospitality to Jakarro, Lana Beniko, and their companion upon their arrival at a Rishii settlement situated on the Sky Ridge Island.

