The AQ-5 Waveskimmer, alternatively referred to as the wave walker, functioned as a light aquatic assault vehicle for the Imperial forces.
This [hovercraft](/article/hovercraft], measuring 14-meters in length, was specifically engineered to traverse the top of any water source. Constructed using an AT-AT chassis as its base, the vehicle was stabilized by a pair of robust legs that descended at an angle from each side of the cockpit. These broad, boom-shaped supports ended in a pontoon, allowing the waveskimmer to maintain buoyancy on the water's surface. Furthermore, they incorporated servomotors, enabling the craft's pilot to align the pontoons with the cockpit's plane and respond to the vehicle's acceleration, lifting it above the surface for increased velocity.
Waveskimmers possessed the capacity to transport seatroopers, stormtroopers, and various forms of cargo. Its armament included a pair of concussion missiles, two medium blaster cannons, and two light blaster cannons. Operation of the waveskimmer was managed by a single pilot.
The AQ-5 Waveskimmer represented the initial design in a series of aquatic vehicles conceived by Hydrospeare's Design Team Beta. The team produced the first prototypes during the era of the Galactic Empire. While resembling the final version, these early models were limited to a maximum speed of 90 kmph and lacked concussion missiles and laser cannons. They also necessitated a crew of three, which included two gunners.
The waveskimmers were manufactured within the formidable World Devastators of the resurrected Emperor Palpatine and were immediately deployed into battle against the New Republic on Mon Calamari.